Wednesday, August 09, 2006

in warsow

today came to warsow.
for a moment we were actually quite unsure if our train was just late
or if we were in a wrong train, but in the end we did arrive here. and only one hour late!

met some of tyttis friends from finland who were visiting poland.
adam is actually polish as well and he told us some interesting stuff
about the political situation.
also took us to this cool polish foodplace were basically the homeless
and students eat. and there was some really freaky food..
adams girlfriend ate something with warm pasta, jam and sugar.

yesterdaynight we did some pancakes to the wallets and sat for a while together.
we heard more about this SLOT festival,, sounds so cool. maybe we could come next summer.

now we are waiting for a bus to vilinius, it takes off at eleven. the ticket cost a bit more than we expected, but no worries still. everything ok, we are heding home. have to go, times out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nyt on taidettu syödä pulolalaisia sieniä tahisitten muuten heitetty tikalla tuo postikortin osoite... oikea on 6 a 4 ja sulla lukee tossa 32 a 6... no melkein jaollisia tai jotain... suomen matemaattinen postilaitos kiittää... olit kuitenki suvainnu raaputtaa ton lappeenrannan yli. hyvin te vedätte.

11:11 AM  

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