Thursday, November 09, 2006

what a day

first of all I need to tell two things:
(cause people have seemed to be a bit worried
about these ones)

no, we are not on a holiday here, we do actually work.
and second, no I am not at all sad, and its a shame if my blog
gives out I would be. I actually think I havent laughed this much
in ages as we have been laughing here. I enjoy it. very much.

ok, then to the exciting adventure.

this morning we were preparing to leave with george to meet the muslimgirls.
tytti was already outside, and called me to get her wallet, cause she needed of course
to have her passport with her. going to west bank and all.

so I tried to find her wallet, and it just so happened I couldnt.
and se came in and she couldnt as well.
and we realized that it had been stolen.
there was this weird guy at the finnish centre yesterday evening,
and he went to our room and well, to make a long story short, he took tyttis wallet.

so gone was tyttis passport.

tytti cried,
I was a bit helpless,
george came and said:
you know, things are more spiritual.

so we hopped to the car,
drove to the village and met the girls.
beautiful, veiled, muslimgirls.

we danced a bit with the younger ones.
told things about finland,
showed a drama and told how God loves us as we are.
signed pieces of papers and received invitations.

and these young girls,
they are not supposed to talk politics, are they?
and still.
we faced straight questions and no settling for vague answers.
small girls stood up and shared their thoughts about happenings in gaza.

in the class there was a poster on the wall that tried to proclaim
peace with feeding propaganda.
yes, things are more spiritual.
how it all starts from the heart.
hatred or love
war or peace.
how we all lack peace apart from Jesus.

coming back the athmosphere was again a bit thick in jerusalem.
the things going on in gaza,
the gay parade (and we actually live right next to mea shearim, the strict jew area, where they were rioting a bit cause of the parade)
and the wallet thing and all.

but well, things are more spiritual.
there are more in these than what meets the eye.


Blogger Brett said...

Just wanted to say hei, and to let you know that I don't think that you sound sad in your blog, I actually see alot of life. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures in Israel, keep going sis!

8:37 AM  

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