Saturday, April 14, 2007

hanging by the word

it is quite amazing,
all created by word,
all being held together with word,
word becoming flesh.

I asked that Father
would give me such a faith
that with one word
He would keep me believing.

And amazingly,
He seems to be doing so.

There is faith arising.

And you know,
there is something sacred in waiting.

I trust.
Im not going my own ways.
I am not in control.

I wait,
I trust.
I have faith.


Blogger Navid said...

A word, just a small stone. Still crucial while building a house. So is that word.

And another nice metaphore. Just for one of your teachings. :)

When talking about commenting on your brother, or criticizing your fellow. It goes this way: "Your word is like a small stone. It could be used to either build or shake. Throwing it gently and with love on your brother could only build him. Criticism is a tool to build. That stone could be the next layer building his building, his temple (his faith).
On the other end you could throw it without minding much about its purpose. That stone could break a window in your brother's temple, a hole in his faith. Much worse it could end up hitting the foundations, and depending on your brother's strength it could end up shaking his whole building as the foundations are the base of it."

It all ends up with your approach and your touch. That makes the difference between building with criticism, or destroying with it.

Hope you'll use it.

As you saw, or not. I like building metaphores and parables for every teaching. This is one I built in ten seconds at one youth meeting in my congregation. They call me usually "the metaphore man" because of my poetic way of putting up a complex matter. :P

Good writing, just love it.


11:05 PM  

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