Wednesday, May 09, 2007

just asking

what if Jesus would actually ask me to love someone who is totally inapproriate

like to really love

a criminal
a druggie
to lay my life down?

for a bad smelling homeless
for an evil dictator

to abandon my reputation
for a muslim, hindoo,
a newager?

instead of my friends to invite to a party
the poor, wretched and unknown.

how far he could ask me to go
and how far would I follow?


Blogger Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Yes, Laura, this may happen to you. It has happened to me many times, and it is happening to me now. As Paul says, "For Him I have accepted the loss of everything…" (Philippians 3:8)

Strangely, as I have written many times in my blog this saying of mine, "There's no loss with Jesus," it is true. I don't think that the experience of being a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ) can ever be more real than when you are loving those whom He loves, yes, those whom He is loving RIGHT NOW, joining and following Jesus as He loves them, those "other people" who have no call on our natural sympathies.

God go with you, sister, and you go with God, in this narrow way, of the Cross.


5:55 AM  

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