Wednesday, October 11, 2006

a skating jew

yesterday we went to male adummin, a town near to jerusalem.
tytti knows a half finnish-half israeli family there, and we spent about four hours sitting with them. it was nice, to hear their stories about how they met, how he moved to finland and learned to play ice hockey and to hear their lovely kids speak finnish.
moti, the father of the family is a jew, and it was interesting to observe some habits they have. like how the dishes are being washed in different sinks depending if they have been used for meat or something with milk. (this is the kosher rule, part of it anyways..)
also moti explained to me before staring his prayers after the meal, how the jews bless God after the meal. cause its easy to ask God to bless the meal and thank him in the place of need, but how easy it is also forget him after we have filled our tummies.

before going to male we went to the central to see the jerusalem march, they were having a march cause of the feast of tabernacles. the international christian embassy had quite many participants on it as well, and we even saw quite many finnish flags. and it did feel good to see finland bless israel.
in the morning we had a brief chat with one of the workers here at the finnish centre, and we talked about how tense the situation is, and how people are choosing sides. its funny how its rooted so firmly in the human nature, that if someone else gets a blessing, it somehow makes my blessings smaller.. like the man stated: its not like we take anything away from the palestinians, if we bless israel.
and its also funny to see, how individual stuff works the same way on a national level as well. but well, of course, nations are made from individuals.
but how differently God sees it all. cause isnt it almost one of Gods principles, to bless others through others blessings? like through abraham he promised that all the nations would be blessed.

today has been a bit of a weird day again.
i think that recently i have been struggling with my emotions quite a lot.
both of us with tytti feel quite easily irritated and the athmosphere can be sometimes a bit tense. but well, Jesus is inviting us to learn how to communicate and be open to each other. the hebrew word balagan (meaning chaos) has defenitely made itself known to us. somehow the spiritual athmosphere here is the kind, that you cant quite put your finger on anything. like sometimes naming your own feelings is an impossible task.

i havent been in betlehem in a long time, and have faced a lot of weird feelings about that as well. cause i defenitely want to go there, and feel called to go there. but then everytime a chance rises, i start feeling very passive and anxious about it. for a ling time i just wondered and almost felt ashamed for thinking and feeling that way. one day, when tytti and i both were feeling irritated, i just told her about this as well, and she prayed and it really helped! God did something, and I felt so relieved! and a chance rose again, and im going with paul tomorrow and im going to speak in couple of the schools.


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