Thursday, December 01, 2005

greatest bus driver ever

yesterday my ride home was hilarious.

(just first as a backround something about finnish bus-culture.
especially in helsinki. you step in to the bus. sometimes the busdriver even
says hi to you, or responses to your greeting. normally you find a free seat.
so that you wont have to sit besides a stranger. and you never start talking with
the people on the bus. when you get out, its very rarely than someone yells thanks!
to the driver)

so yesterday, as the bus left the station, the driver started to yell from his drivingbooth (or whatever it is called) Have you had a nice day? Should we sing some christmas carols?
people smiled, laughed a bit nervously and stared each other wondering what on earth is going on.
the driver kept on chatting. everytime someone got out of the bus he yelled: thanks, bye. have a nice day!
it was about four people who said something back at him.

at some point the driver even sang alone. and asked people when they entered the bus : you know any good christmas carols? people were SO confused. it was great!

I just thought how easy it really is to brighten up someones day. just by acting normal like you would with your friends, being open and talking with people. and what really spoke to me, was how the driver didnt care what people thought, if they labeled him nuts or didnt response to him. and didnt care these silly unspoken cultural rules how you shouldnt talk with strangers.
and the athmosphere was quite contagious. maybe that would be one way of spreading the kingdom and the fragrance of Christ.


Blogger t said...

think that busdrivers have some of the greatest impact on our western civilisation...theres this funny story from the communication psychologist Watzlawick who explains how a friendly hello from the busdriver changed the day of some people in the bus, one of them the secretary of one important politican...yes i do believe this is one of the ways how to communicate the love and kingdom of God, -the small things are changing the world and peoples lives:)

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aivan loistavaa! (Finnish phrase that cannot be translated to other languages... meaning is however somehow related to 'Alltogether splendid!' :)

6:39 PM  
Blogger laura said...

alltogether splendid kuulostaa huipulta!

3:41 PM  
Blogger karoliina said...

voi jee. en mä tajunnut et sun blogi on täällä. ja et meillä on nyt sit samanlaiset taustat. hassua. hassua.

tai et löysin tän yhen toisen kaverin bloginkautta ja sit laitoin omanikin. hassua hassua. ku kuvittelee olevansa jotenkin erilainen ja sit ei aina olekaan.

kaosi sun.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Jan Inge Saltskår said...

Cool story :) Inspiring!!!

4:50 PM  

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