Thursday, December 08, 2005

guidance needed please.

I was kind of offered a job today for the summer. again.
this would be for 6 weeks, if I would get it, and take it.
and I have no idea, what I should do during next summer.
(dreams I do have conserning it. maybe a bit too much even :))
and, it feels funny to even think about it yet, cause its kind of far.

and then, Ive got a new alternative for my international training time.
it seems, that doors to israel are opening, but now to know, which is the right one.
there is this volunteer program in palestine.. sounds quite exciting.

well, all in good time.

my training in the congregation ends tomorrow. then should get back to school still for couple of weeks before the holidays. holidays, holidays, hooray! christmas, family, candles, friends, good food, relaxing, london. great.


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