Tuesday, January 17, 2006

portsmouth 15.1

time in portsmouth was great. (surprise surprise)
just loved meeting minna and spending time with her.
she is like family to me. love you girl!

on friday we met her exchange students in a pub.
(really kind of embarrassing to admit it was almost
my first time in an english pub. and Ive lived here!)

in all these processes (like concerning the church, being me,
prophetic, sharing the gospel, living and so on) something has happened.
cause all of a sudden sitting in the pub I realized I wasnt thinking the same way
I would have, like even a year ago.
I wasnt wondering how I can share the gospel with these people, how can I present myself as a "christian" to them. I felt free just to be. enjoying the company of some really nice people. and it felt good. it was something like niina wrote on her blog and what I talked with the togwells, about how jesus actually never divided people in to christians and non christians.
and also like realizing the kingdom thing-how its something inside me, not something I need to try and create outside of me with words.

phil recommended this book to me, and Ive now started to read it. its called a new kind of christian. and it has some really encouraging stuff on it. the writer first tells a bit about his own journey and then deals with the question what is a new kind of christian through a story. but one of the most encouraging things he wrote was how he at some point even wondered if he is loosing his faith. cause thats the thoughts Ive actually gone through quite many times. and like after the pub-night and realizing the fact I didnt fell the need to point to everyone that I am a christian I almost felt guilty of it first. cause its something that I have grown in to in some way. (so the question is that am I loosing my faith, and my faith in what? cause if I have made the mistake on placing my faith in certain patterns to work, it is more than welcomed to vanish. ) but yeah its nice to learn to be free from those "christian pressures" or how I should call them. anyways. paradigm shift is happening. slowly, but it is.

on saturday we went to southampton and I got myself the sweetest of shoes. :)


Blogger Mari said...

hei laura<3 ihana kuulla että englannissa oli mukavaa!
mä oon vähän miettiny tota samaa mistä kirjotit...tai sitä, että millä tavalla tulis elää, että se olis kunniaksi Jumalalle ja siunaukseksi ihmisille keitä kohtaan. Mitä se tarkottaa tässä ajassa? Pidän tärkeenä että evankeliumia julistetaan ja puhutaan ihmisille suoraan, mutta pitää olla viisautta sen kanssa miten ihmisiä kohtaa -olla aidosti kiinnostunu ja rakastaa eikä yrittää puskea omaa vakaumusta esille väkisin...:)
Oma kokemus tuohon "oonko menettämässä uskoa tms" mulla on se, että mun on pakko toimia omantunnon mukaan koska muuten saan kauheet synnintunnot :D.En siis tee sellasta mitä vielä epäröin. ja jos mun omatunto on väärässä, niin rukoilen että Jumala eheyttäisi sitä vaikka se mulle olis vaikeaa...
(room.14:14,20ja 1.kor.9:19-22)
en oo varma puhutaanko samasta asiasta:D mutta tästä aiheesta olis mukava jakaa enemmänki!

8:26 PM  
Blogger Ron Henzel said...

Sometimes when we think we're losing our faith, we're actually going through the painful process of losing a cherished misunderstanding of what faith is.

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear, dear laura,
it´s so good to read this. Maybe because i can somehow find myself in that. Not dividing people into christians and non-christians, getting rid of the pressure of how "i should be" and act all the time to show others how christian iam and also the worry to loose my faith maybe i see how some of my patterns in thinking and acting brake away. thank you dear- we should really meet somewhen soon.
All the best

9:52 AM  

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