Tuesday, September 13, 2005

whats up.

yesterday night I thought that I would need a table.

and today we went to take out the trash with tytti, and there besides the trashbins was a great table for me. thank you Jesus! just hoping its still there when I go and get it after school.

we moved some of my stuff on friday with johanna. it was quite crazy. dragging the heavy parts of my bed in to an elevator around eleven pm quietly is a challenge. hope we didnt wake up the whole building. but hooray! maybe I can start getting the room in order and look like my room. allthough I dont know if I am able to put the bed together..

after one month I will be doing a practical training for school. I am going to work for a lutheran church for eight weeks. it will be i n t e r e s t i n g. I just met the people I am going to work with yesterday. and I think that the time there will take my process about what the body of Christ is about even deeper.. felt kind of sad while I listened all the programs. a lot of talking about playing, cooking, watching films, bible studies even, making candles and so on. (all good, I dont mean that) but no one mentioned the groom.. Shouldnt the activity of the bride pretty much be about Jesus?

But well, there are many good things in it as well. I get to go to high schools and so on, and have a chance to talk about Fathers passionate love towards His children. and it will fuel up my process. and maybe hopefully humble me in a way I learn not to be arrogant. and I can learn learn learn to live the Kingdom out wherever with whoever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing.."Älä Pelkää" is what I've felt God say to me today. Amazing to see that in your blog! I guess we go around fearing too much of the time. your flat-moving sounds pretty much teh same as mine to helsinki two years ago..ah memories!

PS you will rock the schools!! :)
It's amazing we live in a country where schools are still open. May God give us more harvesters for school ministry..!

11:21 PM  

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