Thursday, September 22, 2005

thoughts on a bus

sat on the bus listening to a good worship cd
as the sense of being a bit of a hypocrite grew in me.

could I live the Kingdom out here, on the bus.
with these people?
would I even want to?
would I actually want to get started on thinking these souls?
where they are heding.
bother myself with it.

w h y w h y am I so afraid to love?
maybe cause like CS Lewis says
to love is to be vulnerable,
cause love cost Jesus his life,
cause it can break my heart, demand a sacrifice, make me cry
cause it would actually be caring for these people I dont even know.
being willing to lay down my own
-so called- reputation
and will
for them.

Father, change my heart of stone to a heart that is broken by the same things as yours.

loving someone without being loved back. now thats a scary thought.
sometimes I just really wonder how Jesus does it. amazing.
if even I can go through a little glimpses of love, sorrow and pain
and have a hard time bearing them,
what then can be on Fathers heart when he desperately longs for his creation to come to him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, great quote from C.S.Lewis! That's it. Loving is the great main thing on this side. But no one who hasn't realized it cost us everything, hasn't really got it yet. Who said following Jesus is not radical!

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

strong post Laura. really echoes in me as i just had a very similar experience "sitting in a bus", looking at the people around me and just felt an appreciation rising deep deep within me for every single person whose face i watched. it was incredible, could sort of feel how excited God was about each of these precious people (most of whom would probably not know about him in any meaningful way) and nearly felt like i could hardly go on just sitting there in silence without hugging the strangers around me and tell them how much God loves them and how great they are... obviously my cultural restraints were strong enough to prevent these desires to translate into action, but hey - if He is able to put the Willing in my heart, maybe He is also able to one day put the Doing in my courage as well...?!

1:09 PM  
Blogger dfordivam said...

"could I live the Kingdom out here, on the bus.
with these people? " what does this mean
and tell me what do you think was there, which was in jesus, that he faced so much opposition for his path of truth and we can't do the same. He is our father he is standing behind us why are we afraid of our own brothers and sisters?
this question certainly has answer think over it and reply

9:29 AM  

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