Monday, October 03, 2005

weekeng gone

the "family of God" meeting was interesting. 5 young people, two kids and about 10 adults.
talking about the reformation and church and so on.

and it basicly just felt like talking. I really missed the sense of just living it. It was really weird, I realized that the thing about spiritual mothers and fathers and being able to be a daughter are quite deeper than I thought. and well, basicly just realized that I am quite clueless when it comes to living as the body of Christ.
but well, in the end I did have the chance to practise being transparent and open. (and oh boy its hard. it would be so much easier to carry your own loads, stay in a room and cry alone. cause you really dont want to bother anyone, and does anyone even care? yep,real body-thinking..)
I think my purpose to go to this weekend was to go and cry in front of these people and create a quite akward situation where no one quite knows what to do or say. sometimes I really enjoy being clueless. maybe we need to be able and willing to stand on that ground, not to really know what to do, in between the old and the new. not wanting to act in the old patterns of doing stuff, not yet knowing exactly how things are intended to work. I guess that is where faith steps in. and the real need for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

then today was nice. I saw annemaria (from norway). we had a moment on the airport to share and pray. it was so encouraging just to see annemaria, her smile and passion for Jesus and prayer and her community. she also gave me a cd, that has really blessed me. there are quite a lot of songs conserning freedom and being who God made you to be. makes me smile.


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