Monday, January 23, 2006

unity and african rhytms in turku

my dear dear friend hanna is leaving for south africa in february. at the moment she still lives in turku, and her friends there arranged her a going a way party. I was there too. and the time in turku is always blessed.
there are about 8 girls, all dear sisters who live there, and have fellowship together. and everytime I go there, I just learn quite a lot about unity and so on.

one of the best things was simply worshipping together. its lovely to just sing together and let the spirit lead you, you know, kind of like soaking in the worship. singing new songs and so on. and Ive missed that so much. cause its so different to worship together, compared to when someone is leading worship from the stage and you have a schedule to follow.

we also had a communion together, which was awesome! we declared the fact that we are parts of the same body, and that we love and accept each other.
and then we also had this practical thing we did with philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
so we encouraged each other by telling things that are good and true. that was so good, really encouraging. and at the same time so hard. its so funny how twisted ones thinking can be, if hearing good things about yourself can make you feel almost ashamed or hypocrite. but its so good to take the leap of faith, believe in yourself as a new creation and feed yourself with the truth.


Blogger K said...

Oli niin ihanan siunaavaa saada pitää sua meillä! Kiitos vielä kaikesta! Oot aarre :)

4:43 PM  

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