Thursday, February 16, 2006

story from my life

we had interesting lectures today. about narrative psychology and so on.
we did one practice as well, went in to groups of three and each told a small story from his or hers own life, others listened and wrote down what were the thing that touched, stayed in mind etc.
I told a story about yesterday.
and decided to tell it here as well. its nothing big, but as I more and more tend to find out, life is made from these small things, which actually are quite big. cause its my life.

tytti and I were sitting in our kitchen. around noon, still in our pyjamas. we had a free day from school, and kind of a lazy day.
all of a sudden, the doorbell rings.
which was odd, cause our doorbell never rings. unless we are waiting for a visitor. it was a girl from our neighbour (the jehovas witnesses one :) )
she couldnt get in in to their appartment, cause her mum was not home.
tytti asked if she wanted to come and wait at our place, and she answered that she didnt know. so she stayed in the hall.

so we schemed a bit with tytti, found some pastries from our freezer, warmed them up and asked the girl again if she wanted to come inside. and she came.
sat in our kitchen, looking around with her curious eyes. and you could see that in a way she was excited to see in to our lives. grown-ups, but not too adults.
she wrote a lovely message to our guestbook, looked some photos and drank some juice. then went home.

a moment went by, and the doorbell rang again. the girl came to say that her mum would like to invite us to have a cup of coffee. we, still in our pyjamas, promised to go in about ten minutes. and went. sitting and drinking coffee with the lady from our next door, and feeling welcomed by her three kids.


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