Thursday, January 26, 2006

in the mosque

during last year I havent had time so much to dive in these islamic things as much as I would have maybe wanted. but there is a time for everything. and Im thinking its good to have some stuff sorted out about myself and life in general before tackling islam :)

but anyways, the other day I visited a mosque with a small group. a finnish muslimlady gave us a tour and a brief lecture on islam. her two kids were there too and I played tag with them.
every time Ive been to a mosque, it has been a really nice experience, the athmosphere is just so welcoming and warm. communitylike. I can so imagine feeling at home in a place like that. we could really learn from them.
it would be so cool to see a mosque kind of transform in to this community where people follow Jesus and enjoy fellowship with him. I wonder how it would look like, if Jesus would enter the islamic culture? would really want to see that. maybe someday!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura Hani!!

How are you girl?? Aattelin kirjottaa nyt suomeks niin ei kukaan muu ymmarra ;) Ma loysin tan sun sivun yhen kaverin kautta. Ihana lukea etta mita sulle kuuluu. Ma olen nyt Birminghamissa opiskelemassa, taalla on ihan tosi kivaa ja tykkaan tasta enkkulista. Olen taalla ainakin tan kevaan ja katsellaan sitten mita taivaan Iska availee, mutta aika seikkailua taa elama on.

Kuullaan hani, ja kirjottele vain kuulumisia, kayn niita aina taalla sitten lukemassa :) You got a stoker baby...

Heh.. Hang on ja allt ar going to be bra.Love and hugs

4:15 PM  

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