Wednesday, February 01, 2006

oh my goodness, the worlds not black and white!

good stuff going on.
in school we have been talking issues like alcohol,
drugs, mental issues and so on.
arises many questions;
how to reach this generation so that it is reached?
is it possible to influence a culture, how?
are we individuals or a part of something bigger,
and what defines the bigger we are a part of?
who is responsible?
does the fact Im a finn determine that I act "like a finn",
or is finnishness something I can shape?
how to break free from myths?
are there "bad" and "good" things in themselves,
or what makes things "bad" or "good"?

theres some of the questions going on.

and what a great revelation I had :)
not my wonderings, processes, doubts or
questions can separate me from Gods love.
He knows me, and knows I love Him.
so I guess He is able to take care of me.


Blogger jaky82 said...

Hello Laura!

It has been interesting to read your thought and thing what are close to your heart. I mentioned you that I started to keep blog also some time ago.

I just started to lead DOK-group with Mia. Our colloboration began very well and I trust that God will let it continue like that.

All the best for you!
God bless you!


9:27 PM  

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